We are nuts about chunky ice cream — from fudge chunks to peanut butter cups to gobs of chocolate chip cookie dough, we say the chunkier the better. Sure, the smooth flavors are fun, but we think nothing quite beats the satisfaction of digging a big ol’ chunk out of your pint like you’re mining for gold. And let’s be honest, those chunks are gold.
We dug up 10 fun facts about our chunks for all you chunk lovers out there:
Blame Ben For Our Chunk Obsession
Co-founder Ben Cohen has no sense of smell and very little sense of taste. So when he was developing our earliest ice cream flavors, he loved the texture of the big chunks. Fans loved it too, and it’s since become our signature style.
Fudge, Fudge, & Fudge
We use three distinct types of fudge chunks: regular fudge chunks, the biggest, baddest fudge chunks we offer (find them in Chunky Monkey); fudge flakes, the small, light, and tasty morsels found in favorites like Cherry Garcia; and chocolate chips, those good ol’ stand bys found in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
Potato Chips Are Great In Ice Cream
We once had a flavor that used potato chips as chunks — Late Night Snack featured fudge-covered potato chip clusters. Sounded weird, tasted delicious.
We’re Finally Offering Just Cookie Dough Chunks
Love the dough chunks in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough? You’re not alone! We recently launched Snackable Cookie Dough in our home state of Vermont. Not planning a trip to the Green Mountain State anytime soon? Sign up here to show your interest, and we may bring it to a Scoop Shop near you!
We Introduced Japan to Chunks
When we launched Ben & Jerry’s in Japan, Japanese ice cream lovers weren’t familiar with the idea of putting chunks in ice cream. So we had to show them the ways of the chunk with some fun videos(Opens in new window).
Kaberry Kaboom! Had One Of Our Most Unique Chunks
Kaberry Kaboom! featured white fudge-covered cracklin’ candy chunks. Yup, the ones that crackle and pop on your tongue. Weird? Definitely. Delicious? Oh, yes.
There’s A Secret Reason Why We Cover Our Chunks In Fudge
Ever wonder why so many of our chunks are fudge-covered? For one, fudge is muy delicioso. For two, a layer of fudge keeps the chunk — like a pretzel or almond — from sucking up the moisture in the ice cream and getting soggy. That was the notorious downfall of Peanuts! Popcorn! and we’re determined not to repeat it.
New York Super Fudge Chunk Lives Up To Its Name
Of all our flavors, New York Super Fudge Chunk currently boasts the highest number of unique chunks per pint with five different chunks — white fudge, dark fudge, pecans, walnuts, and fudge-covered almonds.
Non-Dairy and Moo-phoria Flavors Are All About The Chunk Life
When we launched our Non-Dairy flavors and Moo-phoria light ice creams, our Flavor Gurus were adamant that these flavors must still have the same chunks and swirls as our classic flavors. And they delivered! Chunks abound in every pint of Non-Dairy and Moo-phoria.
A Lot Of People Think They’re Chunk Masters
Think you know all there is to know about Ben & Jerry’s chunks? Prove it! Take the quiz and see if you can match each chunk to the flavor it belongs in.