15 Completely Useless Facts About Ice Cream

We’ve spent the last 40 years eating, sleeping, and breathing ice cream. And in that time — surprise, surprise — we’ve learned a heck of a lot of facts about our favourite frozen treat. Some of them are really useful and we use them every day to bring scoopable euphoria to our fans all over the world. And some of them are as useless as a spoon with a hole in it. But, useless or not, it’s fun to learn what secrets your tub is hiding behind its lid. Here are 15 of our favourites:

  1. Ice cream cones were invented at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri by concessions vendors as a way for people to eat ice cream easily while they enjoyed the fair. We couldn’t be more thankful.

  2. Ben & Jerry’s employees get to take 3 tubs of ice cream home with them every day. Yup, we’re pretty spoiled.

  3. New Zealand consumes more ice cream per capita than any other country, with an average of 7.5 gallons per person per year. Whoa!

  4. The US is second, with an average of 5.5 gallons per person per year. That’s 44 pints!

  5. Vanilla is the #1 most popular ice cream flavour in most ice cream-loving countries, (namely, Germany, Italy, the United States, New Zealand, China, and Brazil). Can’t argue with a classic.

  6. It takes 3 gallons of whole milk to make one gallon of ice cream. No wonder it’s so creamy.

  7. Ever noticed that when your tub melts and then re-freezes it ends up a different texture? That’s because ice cream has tiny, microscopic air bubbles in it that keep it soft and fluffy. When it melts, the molecular structure breaks down, and the air escapes. So when you re-freeze it and then go to grab a scoop, it’s not as soft. (That’s why you have to eat it all in one sitting. Because, science.)

  8. The Ben & Jerry’s Flavor Gurus agree that -13° to -12°C is the ideal temperature for scooping and serving ice cream. And that’s exactly what you’ll find at your local Scoop Shop.

  9. Ever gotten an ice cream headache from eating your Phish Food a little too quickly? This is what’s really going on: when something really cold touches the roof of your mouth, the blood vessels that run between your mouth and your brain tense up, trapping blood in your brain. The pressure from that extra blood causes the brain pain. If it’s particularly bad, try pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth — this warms the roof up enough that the vessels will unclench.

  10. Ever wonder why we’re so fond of chunky flavours? Blame it on Ben. He has anosmia, which means he has no sense of smell and almost no sense of taste. So, what does he enjoy about ice cream? The creamy, chunky texture! Over the years it caught on, and now our fans love those funky chunks.

  11. Speaking of chunks in ice cream, pecans are the most popular nut chunk in the US, and strawberries are the most popular fruit chunk.

  12. We receive over 13,000 flavor suggestions from fans every year. And we read them all — even the really weird ones.

  13. According to NASA, ice cream is one of the three foods astronauts miss the most when they go on space missions. The other two? Pizza and soda.